PixelPop Showcase Update! (Saving and Loading)

We've got saving and loading in the game! This a major milestone for us as game developers. Before this project, many us hadn't made a game long enough to warrant needing to save progress. Most school projects were short experiences that lasted 10-20min, maybe 1-2 hours at most if it was particularly well developed. The original scope of Heart of Enya didn't anticipate needing multiple play sessions to cover all of the content in the game, so we've had to push off implementing saving and loading until now. It's very validating as new game developers to have a project reach this point of scale and polish. There are even more new features and improvements still in the pipeline, but I would be remiss to not take a moment of pride for my team and our work on Heart of Enya.

Also! This build was made just in time for the PixelPop Festival being hosted over this weekend September 12th/13th on their community Discord server: http://pixelpopfestival.com/. Please come by and chat with us and all the other awesome game developers attending!

Change log:

- Saving and Loading implemented with new Main Menu layout

- FP Bar UI in unit inspect and battle grid are hidden until the player gets flame moves
- "Enemies remaining" UI hides when units are in the top left two tiles to not overlap action menu
- Tutorial has new prompts implemented
- Credits updated and jitters removed
- Level select, action menu confirmation prompts, and pause menu now have UI sounds

Known Issues:

- Beating the game and completing the credits will make the continue button do nothing


Heart of Enya v1.1.3 (Windows).zip 74 MB
Sep 11, 2020
Heart of Enya v1.1.3 (Linux).zip 77 MB
Sep 11, 2020
Heart of Enya v1.1.3 (Mac OSX).app.zip 74 MB
Sep 11, 2020

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